
Brewing an injury

My left shin has been experiencing minor pain the last four runs. The last run, it wouldn't go away until i've ran 3k at an easy pace (7:30), wherein previously it goes away after 15 mins of the same pace (1.5 to 2k). I'm getting worried because this week and next week i'm supposed to peak on the mileage but had to restrain some 10kms and speed drills because i don't want to run Condura with an injury. (As advised by every running book or site, the right way to treat this is to completely stop running.)

Anyway, the game plan is, next week i'll have to restrain on mileage too but a must-do is a 2.5 hours long run to be confident on race day. What a drag...But that's subject to the results of my doctor's check up. Could it be shin splints or stress fractures? Abangan...

Taping techniques:

KT technique: click here

Point of pain technique:


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