
Bar Chronicles: Nothing Like the First

The month of March was tortuous (and tortious?).  I had to rest for 2 weeks from running, accompanied by sessions with the physical therapist, but that rest time was extended to a (gulp) more than a month (i lost count). The final, final exams spanned 3 weeks of my final year in law school and therefore i had limited my running too, and then the last exam was immediately succeeded by a 4-day trip. Wow. that was a really long break.

Yesterday I found myself walking the final 500 meters of a 4.4k run. Ugh. And so now, I vow to inject a running sched in my bar study sched.

Anyway, today I started reviewing because I realized that my revised schedule will not give me adequate time. In a state of panic, I revised my schedule for a third time and found out that I can only have two readings. gulp.

So today was the first of many days of review. I found it daunting, hard, and eq-depleting. But I sustained it and am happy. Tomorrow is another day and I hope it would be less and less straining. 


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