
Upcoming Running Events: Kenny Roger's Urbanite Run, UP Law Invitational Triathlon

Today, I went registration-crazy. Races that are, ahem, not really that budget friendly, but nonetheless I shelled out some (ouch) on.


The registration costs Php 600. Wow right? The usual question creeps up: what makes this run so special? The advertisement/press release mentions--

(1) that it's a night run, with all those glow in the dark paraphernalia
(2) championchips timing
(3) a free kenny roger's meal
(4) that it's inclusive of a donation to a charitable institution (in short, it's for a smile smile)
(5) the presence of Marc Nelson, Rovilson Fernandez and Phil Younghusband
(6) an after-party

Half-eaten Urbanite Meal

Normally, I would say that Php 600 is too much. But items #1, 3 and most especially, 5...these are worth the premium. hehe. Honestly, I don't care about champion chip timing, I mean, who needs his time recognized worldwide (exception: the "elite" not the ateneans :P). And an after-party.. don't we all just want to sleep afterwards? About the donation, well, I just meant that I don't care where it goes.

I have no idea of what the route will be like. Btw, this will be my first 15k. Haha.

The registration is pretty much like Globe's Run For Home. Go the participating branch, fill-up the form, pay the fee, a stub is given to you, claim the race kit another day in another city. Same organizer btw, that's why. Well, the race is quite interesting, you'd have reason to make the effort.


I've been thinking about the individual tri for quite some time now, and to stop wasting time with just thinking instead of training, i found myself registering at the dean's office this afternoon. Charles offered his bike, and then I also purchased some gear way out of schedule (and budget) all of which needs to be justified. Yun. Wala na akong excuse. :O

With Eric P the Event Coordinator.

The paper was supposed to be my reg form na baliktad. :s

The route is quite simple and straight forward, maximizing UP's usual "running destinations". The main challenge would be the bike part. Will I be needing my 10 year old girl knee pads?

The Dean is preparing for this diligently. Word on the street, he just purchased a bike and 2 new pairs of shoes. He's very athletic, I see him sometimes in Celebrity. No wonder he is very enthusiastic with the project.

NOW, the training begins. Want to join me? :D


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